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Image by Tim Chow

About Me

Hypnotherapy is a powerful therapeutic technique that uses guided relaxation, intense concentration, and focused attention to achieve a heightened state of awareness, often referred to as a trance. In this deeply relaxed state, a person becomes more open to suggestions and can more readily explore suppressed emotions, patterns, and memories to get to the root cause of issues causing a person's disharmony. 


I have been a certified Clinical Hypnotherapist since 2000 and have helped many people overcome negative patterns that are standing in the way of their rightful peace, joy, and happiness. As a member of the American Board of Clinical Hypnotherapy, I have studied many different healing modalities in addition to Hypnotherapy such as NLP, Reiki energy healing, Neuroplasticity, and life coaching to improve the quality of my client's lives. 


My own personal healing journey has brought me a new sense of awareness and personal development. I didn't set out to have a "speciality" because I was seeing clients for different reasons; fear of heights, losing weight, stopping smoking, overcoming loss/grief, gaining more self confidence, etc., and was quite successful at it, but the Universe had other plans for me. All of a sudden I kept having women come to me, one right after the other, who told me the same story- my story! 


The stories of manipulation, isolation, and control. They were depleted of everything they had, emotional and mental health, physical health, and finances. I knew that this was the Universe's way of telling me what I had to do. It was such a strong message, that I couldn't ignore it. This is when I knew that there is such a need for healing from narcissistic abuse and I have now made it my life's purpose to help women (and men of course too!) heal from the abuse no human being should ever have to endure. 



Heather truly has a gift! She helped me uncover deep-rooted trauma that I thought I had gotten over years ago. She was like a detective for my subconscious mind, helping me discover the actual cause of what's holding me back and why things are the way they are. I'm beyond happy with my experience with Heather because it has changed my life in the best ways. I now feel confident that I won't bring my baggage into my next relationship. Since being in Heather's program, I have grown closer to my family which my ex alienated me from, my health has improved, and I'm even making more money because I have realized my self-worth.

-Katie Douglas

Finding Heather has been a game changer in my healing journey. My only regret is that I didn't find her sooner. She has been a tremendous help in getting to the root of things and has given me tools and wisdom to guide me. I have been much more positive and have let go of a lot of guilt and shame I was holding onto.

I was a little nervous about Hypnosis at first because of what I saw in movies and TV but she made me feel so comfortable and safe throughout the entire process. If you're feeling skeptical, don't because you won't regret working with her. 

 She is truly gifted in her profession and such a beautiful soul!

-Amy Phillips

I would like to thank Heather. I wish I had met her earlier in my life. I went to Heather broken, weight issues, scared of success, wanting to be loved, and doubting myself. Heather is the friend, the inner voice, and the supporter that everyone needs. From my first session, I felt she wanted the best for me. She reached my spirit with her soothing voice and sincere words of encouragement, & motivation. Hypnosis has helped me with inner peace, acceptance, and harmony with myself, my past, and my present. In addition, I am learning to get rid of my negative self-talk, I am more positive about my self-worth and value. This has been an empowering and positive step in my life. I would recommend Heather to anyone broken, lost, stuck, fearful, and searching to find their purpose. 

- Olivia Green


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